Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Nonesuch by Georgette Heyer

Started: June 20, 2012
Finished: June 28, 2012

What can I say?  I've been working a lot of long hours leading up to the long weekend, and found myself unable to concentrate when I got home.  Brain, tired.  Need to relax.  Thank you Ms. Heyer, for providing something that keeps my brain from going in circles long enough to relax into sleep.

The Nonesuch is on my top 10 list of Heyers.  It features a well-born governess who uses guile to control her beautiful, spoiled, and wilful charge, winning the heart of an incomparable beau and making her way back into the class into which she was born.  The end.


  1. Hey, you gave away the ending!

  2. Oops. Sorry. Forgot to say "spoilers" in the title of the review. :-)
